Inspection by Swindon Borough Council

After the terrible events involving Legacy Funeral Directors in Hull earlier this year, the government ordered all councils across England to visit every funeral director in the country to be able to assure the public and authorities of the level of service and care throughout the profession.
Earlier this week both our branches, in Ermin Street, Stratton St Margaret, and Rivenhall Road, Westlea, were visited by two Environmental Health Officers from Swindon Borough Council.
As everyone would rightly expect, the visit was extremely thorough. This included looking at how your loved one’s are brought into our care, our identification procedures and ensuring they are as robust as possible, how we look after and care for your loved one while they are with us, including auditing everything that we have done to care for your loved one while in our care and how we prepare them for family visits and the day of the funeral itself.
The visit also included our cleaning regimes for the mortuary areas and the buildings in general, how we store, monitor and record cremated remains in our care, our donation policies and auditing of our procedures for when we look after monies donated for charities, H&S Safety Data Sheets, H&S Risk Assessments, DBS criminal record checks for staff, GDPR Data Protection policies and how this information is securely held and then disposed of when no longer required and our procedures and processes regarding Pre Payment Funeral Plans.
We are very happy to be able to report that after going through every area, that the Environmental Health Officers wished to inspect, and after giving them full access to all areas within both premises, we have been informed that the officers have no concerns in any area and have informed us that they have no feedback to improve on what we are doing.
We are all very proud of the service that we provide, at every level, for the bereaved in Swindon and all surrounding areas. We are delighted that every area of our service has been recognised in such a way by this visit.
We are always mindful of being able to build, grow and improve on our service and will continue to always strive to provide the highest possible service for you and your loved one.